Friday, June 18, 2010

Me and my spouse were shopping in a local store and noticed a model sail boat with its sails written with the following verses from the Bible John 14:6. The verses goes like this "I am the way, the truth and, the life...". These are the words of Jesus Christ and marked on the Bible's new testament in John chapter 14 verse 6.

We loved the verses, as with all the turmoil in life, uncertainity, these words seems to be soothing and assuring. We wonder how it will look if we place this sail boat with these verses on our fireplace?. It has one problem. The sail boat was not upto a scale or of any type of sail rig. And also its sails were just a single big triangle. So we decided to look for a sail boat with some scale model and imitating a sail rig model of sloop, cutter or square. Our research turn out to be that, a good model sail boat costs from $70 and above assembled without any letters. And another $20 just for the cost of paint, brush and tools. Since we are not impulsive buyers we left the project to rest.

Last week before fathers day, we saw a bunch of model sail boats in our local home decor store. We noticed the infamous Titanic, a square sails rigged Coast Guard Ship and red 3 mast sloop ranging from $199 and above. Anything above $50 seem to be above our budget. So we decided to look around the store. In the back of the store, they had few more sail boats in lesser price range and smaller in size. Amoung them we found one that attracts our attention, its sails. It has a beautiful sails, but we didnt know what model of sail then. And also we noticed its wheelhouse is missing. And this is the only sailboat with its sails fully stretched and to our experience looked correctly done. Other boats sails were either not attached and or seems to be broken or missing parts since none of these boats were in their original packing.

So we brought this boat home, and checked the Internet, it turned out to be the Cutter sails rig ( Here are more cutter ( links.

Boat without the main sail:

The verses:





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